Career Advice

How to Prepare for Teaching Job Interviews

Very few people like interviews. There is a lot riding on them and understandably, they make people nervous. However, if you are applying for teaching jobs there are some proactive steps you can take to make sure you’re ready for the interview process. Here are our top interview tips for teachers: Go with a lesson plan in mind. You may…

Does Teaching Offer Natural Progression?

Teaching is a challenging yet highly rewarding career path to choose. There is a lot of room to move up the pay scale and to gain additional responsibilities as you become more experienced. However, does this progression happen naturally as it might in many other jobs? It’s perhaps important to establish what you might class as progression in your job.…

What Do Employers Look For?

It can be tricky to know what employers are looking for when hiring new members of staff. There will always be differences amongst organisations and it’s impossible to generalise completely. However, there are a number of personal qualities which you can emphasise to make yourself more employable: Show that you’re loyal. If you’ve had a few different jobs in a…

Staying Focussed on your Career Goals

If you’re in a job you don’t enjoy, or you’re still working your way up to your dream position, it can be very hard to stay motivated. Carrying out a daily routine which you simply don’t enjoy is difficult for anyone, and it will begin to wear you down in the end. If you find yourself in this position, here…

Choosing a Role Where There’s Room to Develop

When you’re looking for a job, one of the main questions you might have is about long-term prospects. It’s natural to want to know about what the future might hold for you and whether you’ll be able to make something of yourself within a company. Here are some ways to help you choose a role with real progression opportunities. Work…